To which teachers’ federation/association (union) do you belong?
AEFO – Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (All teachers who teach in a francophone school board, Catholic or public)
ETFO – Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario (Elementary teachers in English public boards)
OSSTF – Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (English public secondary teachers)
OECTA – Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (Teachers in English Catholic boards)
Affiliate Membership Number
This is the membership number assigned to you by your federation (union). It is not your OTC or OTF number. Contact your federation if you do not know your number.
OECTA Members
Thank you for your application at the OTF registration site.
However, as an OECTA member, if you are applying for a Math AQ/ABQ Subsidy, your application will be handled by OECTA.
Please visit the OECTA website and click on the Math AQ/ABQ Subsidy link to send your application and documentation to them. We won’t be able to process your application.
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